

    古雅、宁谧和纯朴,是牛津留给访问者最初印象。牛津大学城(The University City of Oxford) 是在伦敦西北方,路程约六十英里。 牛津大学是英语国家中最古老的大学。早在1096年,就已有人在牛津讲学。1167年,当时的英格兰国王同法兰西国王发生争吵,英国学者被迫从巴黎“总学”回国,不久牛津也迅速发展成为一个“总学”。12世纪末,牛津被称为“师生大学”。1201年,它有了第一位长。1213年,该校从罗马教皇的使节那里得到第一张特许状。



Can Chinese brands compete with western rivals?

Professor Stephen Woolgar has been working with leading Chinese manufacturing and service organisations on brand strategy.
30 January 2006 /2006年1月30日

    世界品牌实验室专家团成员、牛津大学商学院教授斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授已与领先的中国制造和服务机构一起在品牌战略上展开了合作。


The Saïd Business School’s Professor Stephen Woolgar has been working with leading Chinese manufacturing and service organisations, in conjunction with the World Executive Institute on brand strategy. The World Executive Institute is a leading executive communications and brand evaluation company, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York and numerous other Chinese cities. 

    Said 商学院的斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授与世界经理人资讯有限公司一起,在品牌战略上与顶尖的中国制造业和服务业机构展开了合作。世界经理人资讯有限公司是一家领先的、提供高级经理传播及品牌价值评估的公司,其在北京、上海、香港、纽约和其他中国城市都设有办公室。

As part of his work, Woolgar was invited to give the keynote address at the World Brand Summit in Beijing on 6 August 2005. He delivered a presentation on Brand Strategy in High Tech Organisations before 350 CEOs of leading Chinese companies in the Great Hall of the People, Tiananmen Square. Many companies continue to neglect branding investment and strategy in relation to high tech products, due to the mistaken view that the emergence and uptake of these products is technically determined. Against this background, Woolgar stressed the importance of a constructivist and relational understanding of the likely fate of different high tech brands.

    作为他工作的一部分,斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授被邀请于2005年8月6日在北京召开的『世界品牌大会』上做主题发言。他在位于天安门广场上的人民大会堂,向350多个中国领先企业的CEO做了“高科技机构的品牌战略”的演讲。由于错误地认为他们产品的形成和发展是由技术决定的,许多公司还在继续忽视高科技产品的品牌投资和战略。针对这种背景,斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授强调了构建品牌和对不同高科技品牌可能导致不同命运相关认识的重要性。

The World Brand Summit, organised by the World Executive Limited, saw the publication of the list of Chinas 500 Most Valuable Brands by the World Brand Lab and the World Economic Forum. At the event, Woolgar also presented awards to those companies whose brand had increased most in value over the previous twelve months.

    在世界经理人资讯有限公司组织的『世界品牌大会』上,发布了由世界品牌实验室和世界经济论坛编制的500个最具价值的中国品牌。在此次盛会上,斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)也向过去一年内品牌价值提升最大的公司颁了奖。

On 19 December 2005, Woolgar also gave the keynote speech to 200 delegates at the World Executive Summit in Hong Kong on the subject of The China Brand Problem. The “China brand problem” refers to the way the Chinese marketplace values Western brands more highly than its own, one result of which is the decreasing visibility of distinctively Chinese products in the export market. Woolgar explored some ways in which this problem might be redressed, drawing on recent theories of brands as cultural artefacts, whose uptake and use is socially distributed. Some theories predict that success will depend on the extent to which Chinese brands can find resonance with pressing social and political concerns in their target market. 

    在2005年12月19日,斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授同样在香港召开的以“中国品牌问题”为主题的『世界经理人高峰会』上,向200多为代表作主题发言。“中国品牌问题”是指中国市场对西方的品牌赋予远远高于本土品牌的价值,这也导致了在出口市场上越来越少见到中国自己的品牌名字。斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授探讨了运用近期被社会广泛认可和应用的关于品牌是文化制品的理论, 来纠正此问题的思路。斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)的理论预计中国品牌的成功依赖于中国品牌对目标市场社会和政治密切关心的问题能够产生多大的共鸣。

Stephen Woolgar is a sociologist who holds the Chair of Marketing at the Saïd Business School. Among his other interests he leads a team of researchers working on various aspects of social studies of science and technology. His current research also includes a study of governance and accountability relations in mundane technical solutions to public problems, and an investigation of the social dynamics of provocation.

    斯蒂芬.沃格(Stephen Woolgar)教授是一个社会学家,是Said商学院的营销系主任。在其他研究方面,他带领着一个研究队伍,从事于科学和技术的社会性方面的研究。他最近的研究包括了在当今公共问题的技术解决方案中管理方法和经营责任的关系,及对骚乱引起的社会动态的调查。


对手 抗衡 竞争 西方 品牌 中国
2006-03-14 18:18:23
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