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Think about it.
It didn't begin with a massive contract, a private jet, luxury homes, high-priced PR consultants, legions of fans, supermodel girlfriends, on-call medical staffs, red carpets, endorsements and stretch limos. It merely began with a push. And intention refined. And re-defined. A desire to find new ways. And a passion to the best.



Think about it.
How do you earn true loyalty? It's not just a matter of where you're born or what language you speak. It's simple, really. Just give people more than what they ask for, and nothing less than what you demand from yourself. To earn true loyalty, you first have to show it.


Think about it.
There is no perfect ball. No perfect foot. No perfect shoe. No perfect coaching. No perfect training. No perfect field. No perfect climate. And, often, no perfect day. There is only the idea of perfect. The vision to imagine it. And the desire to achieve it. At Hyundai, we salute the players and teams that made it to this year's World Cup. And those on their way to the next.



Think about it.
Mention "the shot heard 'round the World" to any American sports fan and they'll probably tell you about a heroic home run hit by Bobby Thomson in 1951. But ask anyone outside America, and they'll tell you it was the victory over England by an American team made up of mail carriers, a dishwasher, a meat packer, a funeral director and other weekend league players who found themselves taking on the reigning kings of soccer in the 1950 World Cup. The odds against them were 500-1. While others questioned their chances, the U.S. team answered with the most stunning upset in the history of the World Cup. They saw the challenge not as an obstacle, but the opportunity to get better. Because, in the end, that's how you get to be the best.


提到“the shot heard 'round the World”,许多美国体育迷会跟你讲起1951年Bobby Thomson那记英雄式的本垒打。但若问起美国以外地方的人,他们会告诉你这是关于1950年美国打败英国称霸世界杯的故事,而这支队伍由由邮差、洗碗工、肉厂主、葬礼主持和其他周末联盟队员组成。当别人质疑他们不过是走运,美国队用历史上最惊人的记录回答了他们。他们不将挑战视为障碍,而是变得更好的机会。只因最终,是挑战让你助你抵达完美。

Advertising Agency: Innocean, USA

世界杯 2010 南非 汽车 现代 忠诚 黑白
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