Three ads from ADESF, Associação de Defesa da Saúde do Fumante (Association of Defense of the Health of the Smoker) from Brazil. The message is that there is still no cure for smoking related cancer.
Para de fumar hoje: stop smoking today.
First ad: Um tratamento seguro de doenças pulmonares com o uso de celulas tronco será possível em ________________.
um ano, dois anos, cinco anos, dez anos, quinze anos, vinte anos, cinqüenta anos.
A safe treatment of pulmonary illnesses with the use of cells trunk will be possible in ________________.
one year, two years, five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, fifty years.
Second ad: Un remédio para desentupir totalmente as artérias será fabricado até 1990.
A remedy to remove impediments completely from the arteries will be manufactured up to 1990.
Third ad: O câncer será coisa do passado em 20 anos.
The cancer will be history in 20 years.
Medical terms are badly translated I suppose, but the message is clear.
Agency NeogamaBBH