
年度自然摄影师大赛(The Nature Photographer of the Year,NPOTY)是一项每年都举办的摄影比赛,它吸引着来自世界各地的自然摄影师参加。大赛的冠军得主可以获得3000欧元的奖金和“年度自然摄影师”的称号。

近日,大赛从来自73个国家的参赛者所提交的14000多张照片中,选出了最终获奖者——匈牙利摄影师萨巴·达罗齐(Csaba Daróczi)。










#1 Category Mammals Highly Commended: ‘Colorful Night’ By Mohammad Murad (Kw)

#2 Overall Winner And Black And White Category Winner: ‘Jump’ By Csaba Daroczi (Hungary)

#3 Category Birds Winner: ‘Greeting The Sun’ By Peter Cech (Cz)

#4 Category Mammals Highly Commended: ‘Climbing To The Sweet’ By José Juan Hernández (Es)

#5 Category Youth Winner: ‘Symphony N°5’ By Giacomo Redaelli (It)

#6 Category Plants And Fungi Winner: ‘The Fallen Idol III’ By David Frutos Egea (Es)

#7 Category Mammals Highly Commended: ‘Wolf Attack’ By Martin Steenhaut (Be)

#8 Category Man And Nature Highly Commended:’ Sunsets’ By Pedro Narra (Pt)

#9 Category Underwater Winner: ‘ Up In The Air’ By Alexey Zozulya (Ru)

#10 Category Birds Highly Commended: ‘Fjord Fight’ By Bernt Østhus (No)

#11 Category Birds Runner-Up: ‘Golden Eagle Landing’ By Audun Rikardsen (No)

#12 Category Mammals Highly Commended: ‘Deer On The Crest’ By François Nowicki (Fr)

#13 Category Underwater Runner-Up: ‘Dancing In The Light’ By Domenico Tripodi (It)

#14 Category Fred Hazelhoff Portfolio Award Winner: ‘Cuejdel My Lake’ By Gheorghe Popa (Ro)

#15 Category Other Animals Highly Commended: ‘Hunting Ants’ By Petr Bambousek (Cz)

#16 Category Underwater Highly Commended: ‘Duck Photo Bomb’ By Paul Colley (UK)

#17 Category Black And White Highly Commended: ‘Brothers’ By Luke Massey (Es)

#18 Category Youth Highly Commended:’poplar Stars’ By Carlos Perez Naval (Es)

#19 Category Landscape Winner: ‘A Stormy Day’ By Ales Krivec (Si)

#20 Category Plants And Fungi Highly Commended: ‘Survivor III’ By David Frutos Egea (Es)

#21 Category Mammals Winner: ‘Under The Snow…’ By Stefano Quirini (It)

#22 Category Youth Highly Commended: ‘Little Curious Learner’ By John Peter Wewin Pandian (In)

#23 Category Landscape Highly Commended: ‘Flower Power’ By Brandon Yoshizawa (Us)

#24 Category Other Animals Highly Commended: ‘Hunt In Sun’ By Wei Fu (Th)

#25 Category Birds Highly Commended: ‘La Dama Blanca’ By Stanislao Basileo (It)

#26 Category Other Animals Highly Commended: ‘Fly’ By Radomir Jakubowski (De)

#27 Category Other Animals Runner-Up: ‘Gorgon’ By Alena Shevtsova (Ru)

#28 Category Mammals Runner-Up: ‘Tapir Diver’ By Marcio Esteves Cabral (Br)

#29 Category Plants And Fungi Highly Commended: ‘Frozen Spring’ By Csaba Daroczi (Hu)

#30 Category Other Animals Winner: ‘Golden Rain’ By Norbert Kaszás (Hu)

创意 灵感 摄影 自然
2019-11-25 15:37:00
祝我们热烈地活,也能敞亮地谈论死亡。| 灵感手抄本
计划精神过冬,是时候让“死人微活”了 | 太阳底下