


与创意机构72andSunny及口语艺术家George the Poet合作,这个品牌带来了一支令人心神振奋的广告。







“我们想用一种不同的、积极的方式来看待我们即将面对的新常态下的生活”,72andSunny的副创意执行总监Laura Visco如是说:“不确定性的美妙之处在于,它让我们有史以来第一次要去决定所谓‘正常’的样子,以及我们想让它变成的样子,这是有史以来第一次。这很令人兴奋。”


最后,一起来看看George the Poet这首诗的完整版吧(广告中略有删减)

Wait, stop.
Who said we have to go back to normal, back to anything?
What if the new normal ain’t the normal we knew?
And we can’t just do what we’d formerly do.
What if the big change is you and me? What if we choose to be open? And say…
I will never call my job unimportant again.
I’ll never say that teacher’s holidays are too long or that school is dry and I can’t wait to move on.
My ears are not my earphones. What if I listen.
What if I’m missing how bright your eyes glisten.
What if I just smile a bit. Travel less and love every mile of it.
What if I believe in the change my cooking, my music can do.
And what if I don’t dance, but just for you I might give in to the rhythm soon.
What if I refuse to be a stranger in my own living room.
And I’ll learn my lesson from a bad memory, and I’ll keep social distance from bad energy.
And I’ll prove that funny beats sexy any day.But I’m still cute, anyway.
What if my dreams never take the backseat again? What if I’m there whenever you need a friend.
What if I celebrate my skin, my body, my hair, every day! Even Mondays.
I won’t waste another minute without you.
And I’ll stand by every word I say, I’ll make my vote count, make my voice heard today.
I’ll never say this city has too many tourists again.
I’ll lead, like a woman.
I’ll have a family of dozens. Give my little nephews and nieces some cousins.
I’ll stay right beside you. I’ll say Yes, Yes, Yes, I do.
I’ll never forget how much stronger we are together. I’ll carry that in my heart forever.
We’ll weather this storm.
So I’ll be…
Open like never before

可口可乐 后疫情 72andSunny George the Poet
2020-08-04 14:31:31