STIHL Leaf Blowers 落叶日历:Autumn Calendar 2010,2010年秋季日历




这大概是最有意境的日历了,如同寒风萧瑟中树叶从枝头掉落,落叶日历 (STIHL Leaf Blowers)每天也会掉下一片“叶子”,那是当日的日历——怎么做到的?原来,日历上方隐藏着某种机械结构,就像是一把随着时间周而复始切割纸片的“刀”,恰好可以在一天结束时把当天的日历从“根”上切下来~

很赞是吧?不过,遗憾的是,这份日历其实是德国广告公司Euro RSCG Duesseldorf为落Stihl公司制作的一个创意广告——而后者,是生产落叶清扫机的~ ^ ^


STIHL asked the agency to develop a business gift promoting the product range of leaf blowers. Their target audience were international key accounts, like municipalities of major cities. Explicit request: make something never seen before. The agency created an invention. Introducing the autumn calendar 2010 – the first tear-off calendar, that tears off its leaves automatically! To show the necessity of STIHL leaf blowers in an entertaining way – day by day. Due the fact that leaves fall in autumn, their calendar covers the time period 09/23 – 12/21.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Duesseldorf, Germany
Creative Directors: Torsten Pollmann, Felix Glauner
Art Directors: Martin Staubach, Kai Tusar, Marie Pielmeier
Copywriters: Christoph Mueller, Till Koester
Published: December 2009

STIHL Euro RSCG Duesseldorf Germany
STIHL Leaf Blowers 落叶日历:Autumn Calendar 2010,2010年秋季日历
2010-03-12 13:56:30