W+K伦敦团队刚奉送了他们新鲜出炉的Honda广告 “Everything(一切)”,非常出彩的作品,并于2010年1月18日在詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》首映上正式播出。广告展示了Honda在技术领域的深度和广度。从沙滩车、船用发动机到摩托车甚至人工智能。影片强调了Honda如何通过在宽广的知识和技能中提取精华并应用到现代的车中,并着重强调是英国出品的Civic。干的漂亮!
Our W+K London team just sent us the new film for Honda, ‘Everything’ and it is truly an awesome spot. It will air on UK TV on 18th January 2010 during the premiere of James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’. The film showcases the breadth of Honda’s engineering experience; from ATVs, to marine engines, to motorcycles, and the humanoid robot, ASIMO. The film highlights how Honda has distilled that varied knowledge and expertise into the cars it makes today - focusing in particular on the British-built Civic. Well done W+K London!
附 Honda合唱团TVC
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