一场壮观的视觉盛宴 Audi R8 Spyder 最新电视广告:美女与野兽


Audi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the BeastsAudi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the BeastsAudi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the BeastsAudi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the BeastsAudi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the BeastsAudi R8 Spyder 电视广告:Beauty and the Beasts

由BBH, London最新操刀的奥迪R8 Spyder广告,为大家带来一场壮观的视觉盛宴。这部TVC在伦敦的Excel中心拍摄,有28台老爷车、改装车参与了演出,完美的展现了奥迪R8 Spyder的优雅与美丽。


First aired on the 20th April, the latest TV advertisement showcases the stunning Audi R8 Spyder.

"Beauty and the Beasts" is a spectacular visual feast. The film, shot in London's ExCel centre, features 28 outlandish, beastlike and heavily-modified cars, which are juxtaposed by the elegance and beauty of the R8 Spyder.

Brand: Audi
Agency: BBH, London
Agency Producer: Vicky Baldacchino
Creative Director: Nick Kidney; Kevin Stark
Creative: Simon Pearse; Emmanuel Saint M'Leux
Director: Sam Brown
Production: Rogue
Producer: James Howland
Director of Photography: Damien Morisot
Editor: James Rosen
Post Production: MPC
奥迪 R8 Spyder 搭载与硬顶版 R8 V10 相同的5.2L V10自然吸气引擎,最大马力525ps@@8,000rpm,扭矩峰值530Nm@6,500rpm,整备质量1,720kg;六前速手动或R tronic半自动波箱,Quattro四轮驱动;0-100km/h加速4.1秒,极速在313km/h。奥迪 R8 Spyder 还配备新型电动开篷架构,单向操作时间仅需19秒,电动软篷在时速50公里下皆可进行开合。奥迪 R8 Spyder 将在第一季率先在德国市场发售,起始售价高达156,400欧元。
附另一则 R8 Spyder  TVC,也是相当cool!
奥迪 R8 Audi R8 Spyder 最新 电视广告 BBH London
一场壮观的视觉盛宴 Audi R8 Spyder 最新电视广告:美女与野兽
2010-04-22 10:01:31
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