星巴克山寨店叫「 Star Fucks」


廣西柳州鬧市近日出現一間貌似星巴克的咖啡店,但民眾仔細一看,原來的英文名稱「 Starbucks」卻被變成「 Star Fucks」,圓形的商標驟眼看亦與正牌商標沒分別,後面小字的英文「 Coffee」又少了一個「 e」。網民瘋傳這店的照片(圖),並笑稱「這就是傳說中的那顆星」!有網民稱只要稍懂英文,都知道這店名不是甚麼好東西,店主翻版的水平也太低了。

It's always the same round here. Someone opens a new business. It takes off. So everyone else opens the same kind of business until the market gets saturated and no one makes any money! There used to be one guy in the city centre selling and attaching little protective covers for your mobile phone display. Now there are dozens.

The other big fashion is coffee shops. Not that anyone seems to know anything about coffee. There are a million and one places which have opened in the last couple of years. Most are very average, some are terrible.  In 99% of them, they take forever to make an overpriced cup of muddy water. It's all  about the ritual - no one seems to know what the stuff is actually meant to taste like. I've only found two which are good. One for its atmosphere and the other for a really good coffee.

There are four within five minutes of my home, two of which opened next door to each other within a few days.

But I am looking forward to visiting this one which is being built here in Liuzhou. Not so much a coffee bar, more a coffee brothel, by the sounds of it!

Star Fucks

Thanks to Laura for the tip off and the picture.


via 網易論壇  蘋果日報







星巴克 山寨 Star Fucks
星巴克山寨店叫「 Star Fucks」
2010-10-19 13:50:29
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