Tribal DDB上海再次荣获2010年数字媒体奖


     上海,2010年11月22日电——在本年度亚太地区数字媒体大奖赛中,Tribal DDB上海获得银奖,其获奖作品是其为中国麦当劳制作的快速消费品类作品“忘形麦辣鸡翅”。


      此外,进入决赛的Tribal DDB的作品有:企业对个人类的飞利浦时尚家居灯饰馆,移动营销类的百事音乐革命,以及亿动广告传媒公司。


     “对此我深感自豪,Tribal DDB上海以及他们富有才华和创造力的团队使这些成绩成为现实,”Tribal DDB常务董事Jit Hoong Ng说,“今年对于Tribal DDB上海来说是丰收的一年,我们继续赢得行业同仁的认可。它表明我们在如此短的时间内获得了巨大的成就。”


对于Tribal DDB上海和Tribal DDB中国集团来说,这些奖项为今年这个不同寻常的年度锦上添花:Tribal DDB上海和Tribal DDB中国集团已经赢得了多项具有很高知名度的国际和国内奖项,包括戛纳的国际广告节、Spikes Asia、中国国际广告奖、金投赏。


     “我们倍感欣慰地看到Tribal DDB上海极具创意的策划继续得到人们的认可,”DDB中国集团总裁和首席执行官Dick van Motman说,“让我们尤其高兴的不仅是这些开拓创新的作品,还有我们不断扩大的客户。我们感谢麦当劳、飞利普和百事可乐对我们的信任。正是因为他们这种伟大的伙伴关系,我们才能取得了这些成就。”


    在颁奖晚会上,Tribal DDB亚太地区总裁,Amanda King,被评为本年度区域最佳数字媒体负责人。数字媒体大奖赛,现已是第四个年头,它让亚太地区数字市场巅峰之作大放异彩。



About Tribal DDB China

Tribal DDB China, part of DDB Greater China Group, is a full service digital agency offering the highest levels of strategic insight and creativity in digital media. Key clients include McDonald’s, Volkswagen, Philips Consumer Electronics, Philips Lighting, C&A, Johnnie Walker and ACER China. Tribal DDB Shanghai was ranked 2nd best Digital Agency in China in 2010 by China Advertising Magazine.


About Tribal DDB Asia-Pacific

Tribal DDB Asia Pacific is comprised of 17 offices in 11 countries. As a dedicated digital agency, we nurtureexcellence in; technology, CRM, e-commerce, health, search, consulting, ROI, gaming, mobile and social media. Our core centers support offices around the region and extend across the global network. Tribal DDB was awarded the coveted title of Digital Agency of the Year Asia Pacific in 2009 by Media magazine.


Key clients include; J&J, McDonald’s, Philips, Volkswagen, Tourism Australia, Financial Times and Reliance. Regionally, campaigns for the likes of McDonald’s, Philips, Telstra, J&J and Volkswagen continue to be recognized for their outstanding local insight and innovation.


About Tribal DDB Worldwide

Tribal DDB Worldwide (, an Advertising Age A-List Agency, is headquartered in New York and includes 56 offices spanning 36 countries throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The first digital agency to win the Grand Prix in Film for Philips Cinema 21:9 at the International Advertising Festival at Cannes in 2009, Tribal DDB was also the first digital agency to ever win Global Agency Network of the Year from Advertising Age in 2007.  In 2005, Tribal DDB was named Interactive Agency of the Year by Adweek and the Cannes International Advertising Festival, where it took home the most Lions and the Cyber Grand Prix.  Tribal DDBWorldwide is part of Omnicom Group's (NYSE: OMC) DDB Worldwide.


Tribal DDB 上海 数字媒体
Tribal DDB上海再次荣获2010年数字媒体奖
2010-11-27 12:40:15
计划精神过冬,是时候让“死人微活”了 | 太阳底下
祝我们热烈地活,也能敞亮地谈论死亡。| 灵感手抄本