摄影师Thom Atkinson在《FT》杂志的委任下,拍摄了Wellcome Collection收藏的医疗文物。即使暂时没有机会亲临这座位于伦敦的医疗文物收藏展览馆,也可以一睹拥有几十年甚至上百年历史的,极具艺术特色的医疗文物。
Wellcome Collection在伦敦是十分特殊且具教育意义的展览场馆,它属于英国最大的医疗慈善集团Wellcome Trust信托基金会。常设展之一是用来陈列基金会庞大的医疗文物收藏,常设展之二则是利用多元媒体与当代艺术装置来呈现医疗生物科技,另一个空间则规划不定期特展。基金会创始人Henry Solomon Wellcome从小在药店当学徒,对生命科学、医疗史培养了浓厚兴趣,长大后除了经营药厂,更成为医疗文物收藏家。
Photographer Thom Atkinson recently had the run of the Wellcome Collection for a feature in the FT Magazine on the organisation’s 75th anniverary. Here are some of the extraordinary objects he shot for the piece.
Wellcome Collection is a free visitor destination for the incurably curious. Located at 183 Euston Road, London, it explores the connections between medicine, life and art in the past, present and future. The venue offers visitors contemporary and historic exhibitions and collections, lively public events, the world-renowned Wellcome Library, a café, a bookshop and conference facilities.
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