花见时分,想起了Lee Friedlander的樱花作品。他与日本樱花的邂逅始于1977年的春天,那时,整个日本被樱花覆盖着,这样的场景令他流连忘返。从那以后,Lee Friedlander每每去日本,总是与樱花不期而遇。于是诞生了Cherry Blossom Time in Japan系列。即便影像中只留有黑与白,但完美的拍摄角度,光影和景深的独特运用,展现出一种纯粹而悠远的禅意。
The legendary American photographer Lee Friedlander first went to Japan in 1977 and found the whole country ablaze with blossom. He went again in 1979, 1981 and 1984, always at cherry-blossom time. And he knew that, Japan was always abloom. Friedlander’s images are evocative of Japanese pen-and-ink scroll paintings. Tree branches become calligraphy strokes.
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