









最后一个特点是偏口语化,这74个slogan里的词汇密度(Lexical Density)并不高。解释一下,词汇密度是一个计算语言学里的概念词汇,一般而言,词汇密度越高,信息量越大,也就越“书面化”。按常识看,非文学性作品相对比文学作品难理解,就是因为词汇密度更大。而这些slogan的存在意义就是为了让人们能更快更好地记住品牌,所以词汇密度不高,也能够理解了。


在这29个中文slogan里,平均长度有11个字。最长的是一下科技的slogan:“一下科技,领先的移动视频技术与服务提供商。” 长达19个字。也有短平快的slogan,如每日优鲜的slogan:“又好又快。”真是言简意赅。


中文slogan的另外一个特点就是讲究对仗工整、喜欢押韵。在这29个slogan里,一半以上slogan所用的词汇量是偶数,且大多数都是以对仗的形式存在。如滴滴出行的“滴滴一下,美好出行。” 京东数科的“以科技为美,为价值而生。”以及作业帮的“名师有大招,解题更高效。”都属于此类。还有喜欢押韵,这样slogan更容易被记住。贝壳找房的slogan“要找真房源,还是贝壳全。”和猿辅导的slogan“孩子喜欢老师好,网课就上猿辅导。”就是很好的例子。


  1. Swiggy:(Swiggy karo, phir jo chahe Karo!) Swiggy, then do whatever you want!
  2. UiPath:A Leader in Smart RPA.
  3. Paytm Mall:Ab Shopping ke liye bhi, Paytm karo(现在也要购物。)
  4. 地平线机器人:AI赋能万物,共创智能未来。(AI on Horizon, Journey Together. )
  5. BillDesk:All Your Payments. Single Location.
  6. Asana:All Your Work In One Place.
  7. Monzo:Banking made easy.
  8. Chime:Banking That Has Your Back‎.
  9. Infor:Beautiful business software for your business processes.
  10. BenevolentAI:Because it matters.
  11. air bnb:Belong Anywhere.
  12. Lazada:Best Online Shopping in Malaysia.
  13. Brex:Brex, the best credit card for startups.
  14. BlaBlaCar:Bringing people closer.
  15. Block.one:Building a more secure and transparent world.
  16. Delhivery:Changing the world, one shipment at a time.
  17. Hulu:Come TV with us.
  18. Applovin:Conneting people around the world with the best games.
  19. VIPKID:Cultivatng Global Competence of Chinese Children.
  20. Desktop Metal:Define the Future. Make it real.
  21. Nuro:Delivering the futhre of local commerce, autonomously.
  22. GRAIL:Detecting Cancer Early, when It Can Be Cured.
  23. APU:Educating those who serve.
  24. Bird:Enjoy the Ride.
  25. Binance:Exchange the World.
  26. Faraday Future:Experience a New Species.
  27. Unity:Find out who we are, where we've been and where we're going.
  28. Dataminr:Get Real-Time Information.‎/Real-Time Event and Risk Detection.
  29. SoFi:Get Your Money Right.
  30. Grab:Grab life by the horns.
  31. Samara Network:Harness the power of the Swarm!
  32. Indigo Agriculture:Harnessing nature to help farmers sustainably feed the planet.
  33. Oscar Heath:Health insurance made easy.
  34. Houzz:Houzz is the new way to design your home.
  35. Ripple:Instantly Move Money to All Corners of the World.
  36. Robinhood:Investing for Everyone.
  37. DoorDash:It's Our Pleasure.
  38. Rivian:Keep the world adventurous forever.
  39. OakNorth:Lending for Entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs.
  40. Compass:Let us Guide you Home.
  41. N26:Mobile Banking the World Loves.
  42. Zomato:Never have a bad meal.
  43. Afiniti:Pair Better.
  44. Gojek:Pasti Ada Jalan. (一定有办法。)
  45. Roblox:Powering Imagination.
  46. Palantir:Products Built for a Purpose.
  47. Deliveroo:Proper food, proper delivery.
  48. CureVac:Revolutionizing mRNA for Life.
  49. Auto One:Right Gear!
  50. Circle Internet Financial:Seamless Retail Crypto Invstment Experience.
  51. Wish:Shopping Made Fun.
  52. Klarna:Smoooth payments.
  53. Magic Leap:Spacial Computing for Enterprise.
  54. GoodRx:Stop Paying Too Much for Prescriptions.
  55. SmileDirectClub:The Better Way to Straighten.
  56. Reddit:The front page of the internet.
  57. Nubank:The Future is Purple!
  58. Plaid Technologies:The Future of Fintech is here.
  59. Flexport:The Modern Freight Forwarder.
  60. Stripes:The new standard in online payments.
  61. JUUL:The Smoking Alternative, unlike any E-Cigarette or Vape.
  62. Epic Games:Their future is Epic: The evolution of a gaming giant.
  63. Tesla:To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport.
  64. Stripe:To increase the GDP of the internet.
  65. Katerra:Transforming construction through technology - every process and every product.
  66. Traveloka:Travel, made simple.
  67. 柔宇科技:Unfold the Next Decade.
  68. Checkout.com:Unlease innovation with connected payments.
  69. Wework:We dedicate this to the energy of we – greater than any one of us but inside each of us.
  70. 23andMe:Welcome to You.
  71. Argo AI:We're building self-driving technology you can trust.
  72. 小红书:标记我的生活。
  73. 大搜车:大搜车,推动汽车产业数字文明。
  74. 滴滴出行:滴滴一下美好出行。(More than a journey.)
  75. 云从科技:定义智慧提升人类潜能。
  76. 爱回收:高价、便捷、安全。放心卖手机,就上爱回收。
  77. 猿辅导:孩子喜欢老师好,网课就上猿辅导。
  78. 哈啰出行:行好每一程。(LIFE, EN ROUTE.)
  79. 快手:记录世界,记录你。(Everyone’s story deserves to be recorded.)
  80. 微众银行WeBank:科技、普惠、连接。
  81. 金融壹账通:科技让金融更简单。(Technology Makes Finance Easier.)
  82. 斗鱼:每个人的直播平台。
  83. 作业帮:名师有大招,解题更高效。
  84. 奇点汽车:让每次出行都成为美好的记忆。(Make every drive a wonderful memory. )
  85. 汇通达:让农民生活得更美好。
  86. 喜马拉雅:随时随地,听我想听。
  87. 蚂蚁金服:为小微企业和消费者提供惠普金融服务。
  88. 大疆 DJI:未来无所不能。(The Future of Possible.)
  89. 字节跳动:信息创造价值。
  90. 贝壳找房:要找真房源,还是贝壳全。
  91. 一下科技:一下科技,领先的移动视频技术与服务提供商。
  92. 度小满金融:用科技为更多人提供值得信赖的金融服务。
  93. 京东物流:有速度更有温度。
  94. 每日优鲜:又好又快。
  95. 京东数科:预见、改变、实现。
  96. 威马汽车:智能汽车头号实力派。
  97. 拜腾汽车:智造你的生活。(Time to be.)
  98. 神州优车:重塑人车生态圈。
  99. 银联商务:综合支付为您创造价值。
  100. Woowa Brothers:사랑하는 사람과 나누는 행복한 시간 (Happy time to share with loved ones)


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2020-06-29 19:08:30