180 Amsterdam,荷兰, adidas 最新广告






Shoes designed not to be noticed.' This was the basic idea behind the fall/winter '08 running campaign. We arrived at this because we hit on the truth that you really only notice your running shoes when they feel bad.

But when they feel good, rather than notice them, you notice other things. Yes, you notice your surrounds, but you also notice you.

You notice your breathing, your hard-working muscles, your mind that's been allowed to wander.

You notice you're running further.
You notice you're actually enjoying running!
You notice that all of a sudden achieving your impossible is in fact, anything but.

Client: adidas International
Global Brand Communications Director: Kieran Riley
Global Brand Communications Manager: Karen Zuccala
Global Brand Communications: Claudia Ummenhofer

Agency: 180 Amsterdam (180\TBWA)
Creative Director: Dean Maryon, Paulo Martins, Carlos Furnari Business Director: Geoff Coyle
Account Manager: Caroline BrittPlanning Director
Planning Director: Andy Edwards
Business Affairs: Kindra Schoemaker

Senior Print Producer: Marlon Lee
Executive Print Producer: David Corfield
Photographer: Gus Powell
Art Buyer: Kristina Florén
Photographer for Yelena Isinbayeva: Paulo Martins
Art Buyer for Yelena Isinbayeva: Maria Perez
Graphic Designer and Studio Artist: Emile Wilmar
Project Manager: Piers Bebbington
Production Company: 2D PRODUCTIONS    

广告 最新 adidas 荷兰 Amsterdam
180 Amsterdam,荷兰, adidas 最新广告
2008-11-07 12:15:48
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