一场靛蓝染衣物展览刚刚在日本Babaghuri商店落下帷幕,Manami Okazaki利用几个月的时间,前往中国、老挝、印尼、越南和缅甸去寻觅这些运用古老的染料,纯手工编制的靛蓝染面料。追本溯源的过程,更是向古老的技艺的致敬。
From the 15th to 19th we are showing textiles and clothing that are using indigo dyes. In recent months Manami Okazaki has been travelling to China, Laos, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar looking for these very good examples of fabrics using weaving and dying techniques which are quickly disappearing. To get an idea of what Minako Okazaki has been collecting please look at this slide show.
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