文/Lesca丹 @顶尖文案TOPYS
我们懂得了人们不仅想知道是什么,更想体验为什么, 他们不止希望被谈论,还希望被聆听。他们想要看得到的、听得到的、摸得到的,阳春白雪的、下里巴人的,煽情催泪的、说大道理的。总之,他们想要全方位的陶醉。
5 years of being W+K shanghai has taught us something that we think is really something.
Human beings are wonderfully hungry creatures, we can devour a smorgasbord of stimulus from all 5 senses and just keep on feasting.
As an agency in the simple business of engagement, this realization is both daunting and delightful to us.
We are learning that humans want much more than one way declarations, they want experiences. They want more than being spoken at. They want to be listened to. They crave for their senses to be romanced on every level: visual, physical, cultural, visceral, aromatic, aural, oral, and even moral.
The past year has been a lovely experiment in trying to reach people in as many different ways as we can imagine.
To give our best go at connecting to human hearts and brains through their eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. And while we’re thrilled about where we’ve been, we know we’ve only just scratched(and sniffed) the surface of what is to come.