上海威汉广告(WE Marketing Group)成功赢得常州嬉戏谷(Joyland)新业务


Shanghai - Joyland, a world class cyber-gaming & animation theme park, announced the appointment of WE marketing group as its integrated marketing communications agency.

Joyland is located in the city of Changzhou, in Jiangsu province, near the famous Taihu Lake tourist area. It is an original and unconventional world class theme park, which rides on the latest cyber-gaming and animation trend as its theme. Combining digital entertainment and interactive technology, the theme park will choose key scenery in cyber-games and rebuild them into reality, enabling visitors to interact between the real and the virtual world.


According to the general manager of Joyland, Mr. Xu Ying Jie, “There are quite a few theme parks in the Yangtze River Delta area, but Joyland is completely different. Here at Joyland, consumers will be able to experience entertainment, competition and simulation in a high- tech way. The real & virtual world interaction would be the core of this theme park. It is the place where the world’s finest digital culture will converge, and where the interaction with world class cyber-games and animation will be revolutionized.”

 “Theme parks in China have entered a new era,” adds Mr. Kenny Wong, managing director of WE marketing group Shanghai. “Consumers are no longer satisfied with pure sensory excitement, but also demand unique culture and substance. We are delighted to take part in the introduction of this revolutionary product.”

 According to insider news, WE marketing group won the new business under a three-way pitch with Dentsu Advertising and Shanghai Advertising.

 Joyland plans to officially launch the theme park in May 2011.

Contact person:Mr. Kenny Wong

Tel: 8621 6218 9688

Email: kenny@wemarketinggroup.com

威汉 WE Marketing Group 常州嬉戏谷 Joyland
上海威汉广告(WE Marketing Group)成功赢得常州嬉戏谷(Joyland)新业务
2010-10-23 07:23:15