

Creative Chops: Where's the Beef?

The most rewarding outcome from our global economic crisis, is that authentic brands will survive, those with a vision and ability to take risks, will secure a new path. The people with true creative talent will surface above all the posers and "professionals" who look the part and talk a great game. 

In the go-go years of unbridled growth, industries became bloated with people who 'handle" creatives, those who managed more their careers than anything else. They often offered no real opinion, except their boss'; their creative skill was to "manage up" and they had no real experience other than case-studies from the success of others.

The computer has given us instant knowledge, but it didn't make us all smart. It teaches new skills but it doesn't make everyone equal as a creator of ideas, art or communications...
The new democracy of creativity offered by technology has unleashed a wonderful spirit of self-expression, young people can make their ideas become a reality without the barriers of corporations and institutions. Open source alliances, consumer created designs, a new generation which thrives on collaboration has given the creative process a deep well of ideas and the creative community has grown in both size and relevance. 

However, it also dramatizes the need, more than ever, for strong leadership as we yearn for the visionary with cultural acuity. In this global sea of opinion and ideas; the art of craft, uniqueness and originality fueled by a passionate personal point of view is paramount. It is time for all creative people to step up their game. Being truly "creative" today demands a greater depth and breadth of skills.

Recently, I had dinner with a marketing executive of a top global brand, he complained that in his company, some people who had his marketing job claimed a Creative Director title in other parts of the world. He objected vehemently, while his associates were talented professionals who deal with creative issues, he felt they were clearly not Creative Directors, nor did they have the specific skills or experience to serve that role. I replied that when I lived in New York, I knew many fashion aficionados, people who dressed with great taste and incredible flair...but having taste alone didn't make them a fashion designer. 

There are so many wonderful aspects to our new creative democracy and we all benefit from a culture of openness. However, the ability to make something of the highest quality and originality takes talent and a passionate devotion to the skills of "making". Having the ability to execute, to make an idea into reality changes your thinking, concepting power and approach to ideas. This skill is what separates the truly creative and those with ideas. It doesn't matter if we are dealing with old media or new media...skill and talent still rules.

Case in point, I write a blog....but that clearly doesn't make me a Writer.

- John C Jay







但是我们同时也发现我们现在更需要有远见,有敏锐文化领导能力的人的领导。在这一个到处充满了一望无尽的意见与创意里,能够把个人热情加入艺术创作的精巧,独特性以及原版度, 是非常重要的。现在正是我们创意者应该一起努力的时刻。以今天的标准来讲,要成为真正的“创意者”,需要比以前更深,更多的技巧。


在我们目前的全新创意全民主义里,我们能从这种完全开放的文化里得到很多好处,但是能够有能力创造出高品质以及完全原版的作品,需要有才华,同时也需要对“亲手做”的技巧有完全的热诚。 当你有能力来把主意变成创作时,你的思想会开始改变,你把创意变成创作的手法会改变。  这个技巧能够把真正有创意的人与其他只有创意但是没有热心来亲手创作的人分开。不管我们是处于旧的或者是新的媒体里,技巧与才华还是非常重要的。


-John C Jay

via  John C Jay‘s Blog


创意 手段 真实 内容 John C Jay
2011-03-25 06:55:32