Nike最新的形象广告: Human Chain形象广告




Nike最新的形象广告,连续的动作和清晰的残影让人为之讚叹,强烈的节奏和具冲击性的动感让人感动,最大的敌人是自己要超越的目标也是自己,这种超越极限的运动家精神在影片中表露无疑,片中许多角色都是当今世上一等一的运动员,像是Lance Armstrong, LaDanian Tomlinson, Maria Sharapova和Rampage Jackson等等。配乐的则是英伦乐团The Hours的“Ali in the Jungle”

From Lance Armstrong on his bike, to a six-year-old in China learning martial arts, movement is the universal language that connects us all. It& #39;s a language of beauty, drama, tragedy and triumph. And the road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection, but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.

"It& #39;s not how you start, it& #39;s how you finish. It& #39;s not where you& #39;re from, it& #39;s where you& #39;re at. Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?"

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Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Portland
Client: Nike
Executive Creative Director: Mark Fitzloff
Executive Creative Director: Susan Hoffman
Creative Director: Alberto Ponte
Creative Director: Jeff Williams
Copywriter: Jason Bagley
Art Director: Ryan O& #39;Rourke
Agency Executive Producer: Ben Grylewicz
Agency Producer: Cherie Appleby
Agency Producer: Shannon Worley
Director: Brian Beletic
Production Company: Smuggler
Executive Producer: Patrick Milling-Smith
Executive Producer: Brian Carmody
Executive Producer: Lisa Rich
Visual Effects: MassMarket
Music: Ali in the Jungle by THE HOURS.



广告 形象 Chain Human 最新 Nike
Nike最新的形象广告: Human Chain形象广告
2010-03-02 21:33:44
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